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Showing posts from April, 2014

The Golden Dawn is revolting against David Griffin

 Griffin mounts up to fight off the revolting Golden Dawn community. The members of the Golden Dawn community have had enough of the comedy leader of the Rosicrucian Order of the AO, David “cuddle a Satanist or you are a racist” Griffin. Griffin, who recently hit the headlines with his balls-up attempt to open a satanic Hellmouth on his Nevada property, is the subject of a new website which quotes his own words against him. Dubbed “Griffin’s Own Words”, the site which can be found here is work of several key members in the Golden Dawn Community from several different occult orders who have been collecting the wit, wisdom and bile of Griffin for the last 20 years in case he tried to sue them. “For the past two decades, Mr. Griffin has levelled some of the most horrible insults and shocking accusations toward the most visible leaders of several Golden Dawn orders; the SRIA; SRIAm; various Golden Dawn and Pagan authors; Llewellyn Worldwide; and many many others,” the site says. “At differ

Satan snubs Hellmouth Ritual

It seems that the Prince of Darkness snubbed David “Hug a Satanist” Griffin and his new chum EA “I am a Living God” Koetting’s attempt to open a hell mouth in the Nevada Desert. An eyewitness said that Koetting started to do the ritual, and there was a light wind and dust, which was nothing special given that it happens every five minutes outside Vegas.  Certainly, the sky was not rent in twain, and the whore of Babylon did not make an appearance on her five-headed beast.  There was not even an earthquake, and not even the smallest rocks split. It was not so much God shuffling his feet as Satan having a yawn. There was none of the Apocalypse that Koetting bragged online about creating, “no portal to hell opened,” and there was “no scar in the desert which would take years to weather away”.   Satan: No Show Koetting told the bemused spectators that the purpose of the ritual was not about opening a portal to hell at all. He must have known that they would have thought that because it was

More spin from David Griffin’s dark satanic shin dig

Either David Griffin and his Satanic cronies think the rest of the world is stupid, or they really do believe that they are the Gods of spin and can lie to everyone else in the occult world. We have been running stories about Griffin and his newfound dark magic chums' attempts to build a hell mouth during a Golden Dawn conference. In response, Griffin has been channelling George Bush and claiming that anyone who does not hug a satanist is a Golden Dawn racist Terrorist (see earlier stories). He claimed that thanks to the “Terrorists” efforts, two of the organisers of the portal ritual Scarlett Marie and her husband “Nate” have refused to do the ritual. They are still going to the shin dig but they will not participate. EA Koetting will be bringing about the end of the world on his own. Yesterday on Facebook,  Marie wrote a piece which indicated that everyone had gotten the focus of the ritual all wrong. Rather then an Aeon Gate opening to destroy everything, the ritual was supposed

RACISTS want to stop me using Black magic claims David Griffin

Op-ed by the Watchers Clown prince of the Golden Dawn David “Sympathy for the Devil” Griffin is getting pissed off that people are not turning up to his convention in his AO temple grounds because they do not wish to have anything to do with a Satanic apocalypse ritual (see earlier stories). He has come out fighting claiming that people who don’t like taking part in a black magic rite to end the world are being RACIST. We had to go to the dictionary here because we could not see how Griffin made this leap of logic. According to the Oxford dictionary racism is “The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.” You will notice that the word “race” gets used often in that definition? That is because racism is about race, it is not about what you do in your spare time. Therefore, someone who is being discriminated against because they want to

Blood sacrifices as Satanic Hell Gate opens at David Griffin’s Golden Dawn conference

 As comedy Golden Dawn leader David Griffin tries to dismiss those who don’t accept the opening of a satanic hell mouth at his conference in Nevada as being “intolerant” and “sectarian.” his partner in crime for the event, the self-proclaimed “God” EA Koetting’s is making his life worse by denying everything that Griffin says.   Is David Griffin is the latest serpent with an Apple? Already we revealed how what looked like a fun few days out in the desert with GD types and wiccans was actual a satanic attempt to open a hell mouth, but now it is looking more like a b grade horror film. Writing in his Facebook page Koetting has said that he will be conducting a satanic ritual to bring about “the end” as the “Powerful will meet in the Nevada desert to rouse ten thousand serpents from the sand.” “The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has invited me to speak on the subject of opening dark gateways through blood ritual, and has for the first time in history sanctioned the performance of absol