Op-ed by the Watchers
Clown prince of the Golden Dawn David “Sympathy for the Devil” Griffin is getting pissed off that people are not turning up to his convention in his AO temple grounds because they do not wish to have anything to do with a Satanic apocalypse ritual (see earlier stories).
He has come out fighting claiming that people who don’t like taking part in a black magic rite to end the world are being RACIST.
We had to go to the dictionary here because we could not see how Griffin made this leap of logic. According to the Oxford dictionary racism is “The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.”
You will notice that the word “race” gets used often in that definition? That is because racism is about race, it is not about what you do in your spare time. Therefore, someone who is being discriminated against because they want to end the world by invoking some Satanic creature, is not the same thing as someone who is being discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. There is a difference in being discriminated about because you are an idiot and being discriminated because of your skin colour.
Griffin’s identifies his poor Satanic black magicians with African Americans. He even somewhat sickly shows a picture of Martin Luther-King on his post. The implication is that if we embrace idiots who want to use magic to end the world, we are somehow joining against the struggle against prejudice.
Typically Griffin by attempting to latch on to a great man’s work, he exposes any flaws in his argument — Martin Luther-King would have been even more opposed to his Satan worshipping escapes in the desert than us. In fact, he famously said “Astrology is framed by the devil” and gave long sermons about evil and Satan and how he did not like them.
Luther King said the following, which could apply to Griffin and his AO: “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”
In fact, if he had not been murdered by a real racist, Luther King would be rallying local churches to protest about the opening of a hell mouth in Nevada. So, David Griffin’s definition of racism would apply to Martin Luther King!
Griffin has also been complaining that black magicians are not showing up for his conference because they are frightened about all the negativity about them.
The standards of foot soldiers in his Dark Satanic Majesty’s armies must have slipped considerably if Satanists are worried about what people say online. These guys are supposed to have sold their souls and should be fearless in their pursuit of evil, and not go crying to their mums and sulking their basements because someone took the piss out of them on the Internet.
What we are seeing here is a desperate attempt by Golden Dawn leader to spin his way out of trouble. But the people he wants others to accept are not real satanists, or dark or chaos magicians. They are what is called in the UK “Dark Fluff” These are people who are 99 per cent form and marketing spin. They are leeches off the esoteric tradition out to make a fast buck out of death metal headbangers who think it is cool to say they worship a Christian god’s mortal enemy. A shrink would say that these people are trying to get back at their Christian background by going the otherway. These are not occultists.
Griffin has made a mistake by identifying himself and, by proxy the AO and Golden Dawn group he rules. You cannot break bread with these types without being like them in some way. It is a problem we have noticed when talking to people in David Griffin’s order, who tip us off. Universally they are an order which largely ignores its head. When they introduce themselves they say “I am with David’s Griffin’s Order, but my group refuses to get involved with the politics” when pressed further they say they have not met Griffin and would never go to his events.
For a long time, Griffin fought Robert Zink and then cheered when his temple splintered away from its leader and went off and did their own things. By continually dragging down his AO group with his increasingly twisted logic and antics, we could easily predict that Griffin could go the same way. People can only be stupid enough to allow themselves to be identified with such a liability for so long.
To quote Martin Luther-King: “The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.” Identification of the Golden Dawn and the AO with dark fluff satanists is not something that people are going to like or want. They are not being Racists… they have just had enough of being lions led by a donkey.
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