Rising numpty and purveyor of magical devices made when planets are retrograde, Alison Chicosky has become so obsessed with Solomonic writer Aaron Leitch that she has taken to cosplaying him in her spare time.
Chicosky released pictures of herself (shown) dressed as
Leitch during his 1990s period. Not satisfied she had attained the “full Leitch”, she released the images to her followers, who seemed slightly confused.
One thought the picture was her coming out as trans. While
there would be nothing wrong with that, we don’t believe that is what Chicosky
had in mind.
The usual followers cheered with the same enthusiasm that Stalin’s
followers applauded him. Will Moor trotted out his usual ugly, hateful memes,
happy that it was politically wise that people would reassure his flaccid ego
by saying they were funny?
One of Chicosky’s followers, BJ Swain, claimed that “Soon the
internet will be echoing with the rage-filled rants about the horrible abuses
visited by Talison Chachingsky.”
Only nothing happened. Chicosky had been shunned by those who
were her targets three years ago and was just looking bad. She swiftly buried
the thread under advertising posts and hoped no one noticed.
In 2021, Chicosky fought with Solomonic writer Aaron Leitch,
who failed to realise her importance. That is not that difficult. Many people
fail to recognise Chicosky’s importance – probably because he has been on the scene
for five minutes, never studied or trained and likes to boss people about.
She had similar fights with group leaders to install her or her proxies in different groups. However, she remained blocked from Leitch’s Solomonic
Facebook group – not only was this annoying, but it prevented her from accessing
people who might be tempted to buy her Solomonic “planet retrograde” pentacles.
In the meantime, Nick Farrell put out a book called Helios
Unbound, describing a method of obtaining knowledge and conversation with
your Higher Genius. Chicosky was furious
because she had been running a PGM group, saw PGM as her niche and even been
giving sage advice about using the Bornless Ritual to fix broken appliances. Chicosky
and her followers went on the attack and found that Farrell could snark back at them.
Chicosky scored a coup by getting the loyalty of Rufus: “I repackage
Agrippa and am proud of it”, Opus, who then issued his “friend” Leitch with an
ultimatum. He had to kick Farrell off the Solomonic group as a moderator and make
a crawling public apology to Chicosky. Much to Opus’s surprise, Leitch said no,
and Opus was told to go forth and multiply.
After that, it all went away. After years of research, Chicosky
published a 30-page book on PGM, which was written mainly by one of
her followers. Leitch and Farrell’s moderated groups continued to grow, and the
whole thing blew over. Quite why she wanted to dig it up again is anyone’s
guess; we guess that when you need attention, you have to dress up as what you most desire.
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