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The Golden Dawn is revolting against David Griffin

 Griffin mounts up to fight off the revolting Golden Dawn community.

The members of the Golden Dawn community have had enough of the comedy leader of the Rosicrucian Order of the AO, David “cuddle a Satanist or you are a racist” Griffin.

Griffin, who recently hit the headlines with his balls-up attempt to open a satanic Hellmouth on his Nevada property, is the subject of a new website which quotes his own words against him.

Dubbed “Griffin’s Own Words”, the site which can be found here is work of several key members in the Golden Dawn Community from several different occult orders who have been collecting the wit, wisdom and bile of Griffin for the last 20 years in case he tried to sue them.

“For the past two decades, Mr. Griffin has levelled some of the most horrible insults and shocking accusations toward the most visible leaders of several Golden Dawn orders; the SRIA; SRIAm; various Golden Dawn and Pagan authors; Llewellyn Worldwide; and many many others,” the site says.

“At different times, we have been accused by him of being secret Satanists; KKK; Nazis; Christian fundamentalists; racists; segregationists; anti-Semites; Holocaust deniers; terrorists; bullies; anti-Pagan; witch hunters; and much much more. He has referred to us collectively as the ‘McGolden Dawn‘; and he insists the SRIA and SRIAm are involved in a deep conspiracy to infiltrate; control; and destroy the Golden Dawn Tradition. He has claimed we sent death threats to his family; performed black magick intended to murder him; and insists that the leaders of our own Temples have threatened to expel or curse us if we do not obey their commands.

“Injury is then added to insult when Mr. Griffin proclaims that we are the ones attacking him.  It is all our fault. We are somehow responsible for the hatred that pours from his mouth; while he plays the victim.  He then begs for peace; before attacking us all over again,”

“This document is simply an archive of quotes attributed to David Griffin, Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega; highlighting the insults and accusations he has levelled against us for many years. Every quote will be linked directly to its source and, where possible, we will capture and archive the original blog post for verification,” the sight says.

Readers are invited to read the uncensored David Griffin’s prose and ask themselves if it sounds like an enlightened master.

The site denies that it is another anonymous attack blog as there will be no news stories or exposes. It will not insult him or attack him. This site will only archive things David Griffin has said over the years. This should be damning enough.

We are told that the site will update itself every time Griffin sticks his foot in his mouth – which should be every week at this rate.

We expect that moves by the Golden Dawn community to distance themselves from Griffin’s antics will be followed by moves within his own temples. Already, Watchers has received a few stories from people who have either left Griffin’s group recently or are keen to do so. The feeling appears to be that the AO and the Golden Dawn tradition would be better off without him. We are told that the site has a FB presence.



The FB page is down… it appears that someone complained.



It seems that Watcher has rattled someone’s cage, and some sad Griffinite has spent five minutes attempting a piss-poor attack blog.  It he claims some colonial porn … er erotica writer is working for us.   We can only assume that the blog is penned by one of David Griffin’s sock puppets as it lacks the intelligence and humour which are surgically removed as part of a Griffin initiation.  It also makes our layout skills look adept by comparison.

Needless to say, if Mr Drake was working for us, we can assure you our news would be a lot more interesting, and references to sky-clad Jacuzzis would be more salacious.  We are asking for more writers to get news from different traditions outside the UK, yet we have not taken anyone on yet.



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