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Blood sacrifices as Satanic Hell Gate opens at David Griffin’s Golden Dawn conference

 As comedy Golden Dawn leader David Griffin tries to dismiss those who don’t accept the opening of a satanic hell mouth at his conference in Nevada as being “intolerant” and “sectarian.” his partner in crime for the event, the self-proclaimed “God” EA Koetting’s is making his life worse by denying everything that Griffin says.


Is David Griffin is the latest serpent with an Apple?

Already we revealed how what looked like a fun few days out in the desert with GD types and wiccans was actual a satanic attempt to open a hell mouth, but now it is looking more like a b grade horror film.

Writing in his Facebook page Koetting has said that he will be conducting a satanic ritual to bring about “the end” as the “Powerful will meet in the Nevada desert to rouse ten thousand serpents from the sand.”

“The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has invited me to speak on the subject of opening dark gateways through blood ritual, and has for the first time in history sanctioned the performance of absolute black magick ceremony on their sacred temple grounds. Nate Bales, Nemo Alius, Scarlet Marie, myself, and any others who bear the Soul-Mark of Darkness and wish to step into the Void will perform a rite of Blackest Magick to usher in an Aeonic Rift on an apocalyptic scale.”

To paraphrase through the hyperbole, Koetting at the invitation of the “Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn” will be teaching how to do blood sacrifices and then will bring about the end of the world within the “their sacred temple grounds”


So you opening a hellmouth to bring about the end of the world? Americans!

This will be embarrassing to David Griffin who has been doing his best to dispel all rumours. Earlier this week David Griffin wrote the following:

“Let me dispell a couple of false rumors. Actually, they have been addressed over and over, but my critics keep repeating allegations like a broken record as though they had never been answered:

1. MagickAll is not a “Golden Dawn Event.” It is an intertraditional gathering in the format of a local Pagan festival, albeit with a focus on Magickal traditions. 2. The views of traditions presenting at MagickAll are not necessarily those of the Alpha Omega. 3. The mission of MagickAll is to promote tolerance, patience and understanding between various religious faiths and magickal traditions. 4. Participation in any ritual or lecture is completely voluntary. Attendees are welcome to participate in as many or as few lectures and ritual demonstrations as they like 5. NO RITUAL EXCEPT RITUALS OF THE ALPHA OMEGA ITSELF WILL BE HELD INSIDE OF ISIS TEMPLE. PERIOD. 6. Some rituals will be held on our property, others will be held off property. Only official AO rituals will be held inside of Isis Temple””

So if these false rumours have been dispelled “over and over” why is one of the organisers continuing to tell people that he planning to do exactly what the rumours are saying —  “open a hell mouth in a “sacred golden dawn temple and will teach the art of blood magic.”  If the rumours are “false” then why are they being spread by the same person who claims he has David’s blessing? 

 It seems David has been chummy with some leading Satanists in his time. If you look at the copyright of his self-published “Ritual Magic” book, Griffin has credited a bloke called Carl Abrahamsson with some of the artwork. Abrahamsson translated the Satanic Bible into Swedish and was a long-time associate of the Church of Satan Anton Szandor LeVay. 

In another interesting connection, Abrahamsson ran a magazine called Fenris Wolf which was packed full of articles of interest to those who walk on the darker side of magic. In issue five we noted with interest an article written by one David Griffin and another by Dianus del Bosco Sacro. Sacro was David Griffin’s Italian secret chief who was promoted as a leading practitioner of “authentic Italian Witchcraft” to the Americans.  He is better known in Europe for his role as a Gnostic Bishop. Sacro fell out with Griffin and left him bereft of his Secret Chief connection with Europe.

 Griffin with Bosco. We are uncertain why Griffin came to the event dressed as a clown, other than the fact that clowns are very Satanic and he is the clown prince of the Golden Dawn.

 With friends like that, you have to wonder if David supports opening an “Aeonic Rift on an apocalyptic scale.”  After all it must get a little dull doing that GD communion all the time.



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