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“Scottish Witch” backtracks on bird mass murder claim

Another minion of the unemployed carpet cleaner E A [living god] Koetting has been caught making bizarre claims about her magical prowess to genocide birds.

“Living Goddess” Zeraphina Angelus stunned the interwebs with photographic proof that her defensive magic had caused massive bird deaths.  Surprisingly, no one took her word for it, and one Facebook user searched the picture and discovered the photograph had been taken in Mexico in February 2022.

When questioned about what we in the trade call a “porkie pie”, Angelus said that the photo had been used for “illustrative purposes” and went on the attack against the person who called her out, calling her a “Karen.”

“The post is an expression of an opinion or insight on magick…shared with followers who talk about magick…on a page about magick. It’s created for the purpose of discussion, not directed at anyone as a ‘secret message,” Angelus said.

“If I had taken the picture of the dead birds, that would mean I’m seeing the dead birds (the bad omen) and it would indicate that I’m the person experiencing ‘seeing the sign of being cursed,” she said.

However, the idea of the attached post was to show her skills in defensive magic. It was perfectly reasonable for a person to see the post and the picture and assume it was a claim she had made.

Here is the picture, and it was captioned:

“Our rituals and the results they yield are as unique to us as our fingerprints, and we often develop a signature or sign that shows up in the life of those we work against, or those who seek to work against us.”

What it looks like to an external observer is that the whole story was made up, no birds died as part of anyone’s defensive magic, and the whole thing was spin and marketing -- because that is what Gods and Goddesses do.

“Living Goddess” Zeraphina Angelus 

Angelus has an amusing CV. According to her website, she displayed clairvoyant abilities as a small child and started learning Wicca around age 13. She never learnt anything about being friendly to wildlife if her attitude to birds is anything to go by.

However, she never did anything serious about magic or magical training until about two years ago when Lucifer suddenly took time out of his busy schedule to chat with her.

We guess the Prince of Darkness put her in touch with E A [Living God] Koetting, who has a lot of experience not opening hell gates but has fortunately not encouraged her to murder anyone yet 

We also guess he told her how important she was because she now believes the world is waiting to hear her views. She is another one making cash out of fortune telling and spells for money.


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