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Showing posts from March, 2014

David Griffin turns his Golden Dawn temple into a Dark Magic Stargate

There are moments where David Griffin is so wacky that we find it unbelievable. We just wish he would give us a break so we can report on some other weird groups.  Yep, there is a black magic Stargate opening at David Griffin’s place, what possibly could go wrong? A public meeting being organised by the comedy head of the Rosicrucian Order of the AO David Griffin is being billed as a Satanic “sinister aeonic working of the highest order” by one of the organisers. In a video found here  the self-proclaimed God and Satanist  E.A. Koetting describes what will be really going on at the MagickAll 2014 (April 5-13) at  Playa Survival Guide at Shadow Mountain. Keotting said that rather it being a tame gathering of boring GD types and other traditions it will actually be a Satanic bang fest. “I kinda been vague about it, because things have been formulating, but we’re going to be doing a sinister aeonic working of the highest order. We’re going to be opening up stargates that are going to caus

Don Kraig loses battle with pancreatic cancer

The author of what for some is one of the most pivotal occult manuals of the 20th century Don Kraig lost his battle with pancreatic cancer.  Kraig (March 28, 1951 – March 17, 2014) wrote Modern Magic which has been in every occult bookshop and most occultist's bookshelves for more than 20 years.  He wrote many other books for Llewellyn and was also editor for Fate magazine.  He was initiated into Aridian Witchcraft by author Raven Grimassi, and into American Traditionalist Witchcraft by Scott Cunningham.  He was involved with both OTO and the Golden Dawn.  He received training and certification as a clinical hypnotherapist by the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), and the Association for Integrative Psychology (AIP). He was also certified as a hypnosis instructor by the ABH and as a master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) by the AIP. His wife Holly Allender Kraig said: "The type of cancer he had was just too aggressi

David Griffin admits he has no direct paper lineage to the Golden Dawn

Earlier this week when we ran a story saying that David Griffin was claiming that Nick Farrell agreed with him about lineage, it appears we missed that he had actually changed his mind and backtracked on a decade-old  claim that he had paper lineage to the original Golden Dawn  . Because he is now denying that he ever said that a paper lineage from the GD was important, what is important is a spiritual lineage, we decided to open our file and remind our readers of David Griffin’s lineage claims. As you can see below, he championed some bizarre paper lineages for ages. We welcome David Griffin finally seeing sense in this matter (flip flopping?), he seems to have realised that he can’t really keep lying to the Golden Dawn community about fake histories and lineages. Historians have long said that there is no one with a direct linage to the Golden Dawn but there those who can claim a spiritual link to it.  By admitting this David Griffin has finally acknowledged that others also have tha

Comedy GD leader hopes to misquote his way out of lineage vacuum

Comedy leader of the US based Golden Dawn group AO David Griffin is so desperate for attention that he has started claiming other Golden Dawn leaders agree with him, when he knows that the only thing that the GD community does agree on is that he should be publicly dissected, and his organs donated to a pig farm.   I cant… wait… to get… into the… blue-clad Jacuzzi His latest attempt includes a heavily gutted quote from Nick Farrell which according to UK press law could get you sued for defamation in the UK. The quote is so gutted it reads as William Shatner speaks. “A few blogs have appeared attempting to discredit … my … involvement with Whare Ra. … When it comes down to it, these comments are usually written by those who do not have any real connection to the Golden Dawn and have lineage envy.”  The full quote is this: “A few blogs have appeared attempting to discredit Pat Zalewski, and to a lesser extent my own involvement with Whare Ra. You might find long-winded blogs out there pe

A:.A:. boss Revolting Rovelli unleashes his inner tosser

THE HEAD of the Gnostic Church of L.V.X  Paul Joseph Rovelli has revealed to the world what all that training in his glorious group brings you by slamming the gravely ill writer Donald Kraig.   Revolting Rovelli what getting to the top of the A:.A:. makes you Today on Facebook, someone made the unfortunate move of daring to post a notice asking for support for Kraig who is battling pancreatic cancer. Now it is a serious illness and it is touch and go if Kraig will make it. Revolting Rovelli’s response was that Kraig was a fraud who knew how to” knows how to re-process old information and make it clear for new audiences, but never practised 99.9% of what he spoke about.” “In terms of creativity, he’s a parasite and never produced any original work and never contributed to the Gnosis,” he wrote. OK it is bad enough that you say these things while someone is down, but then Rovelli in his supreme wisdom declared that Kraig’s death was imminent. He dismissed all the people conducting healin