Comedy leader of the US based Golden Dawn group AO David Griffin is so desperate for attention that he has started claiming other Golden Dawn leaders agree with him, when he knows that the only thing that the GD community does agree on is that he should be publicly dissected, and his organs donated to a pig farm.
I cant… wait… to get… into the… blue-clad Jacuzzi
His latest attempt includes a heavily gutted quote from Nick Farrell which according to UK press law could get you sued for defamation in the UK. The quote is so gutted it reads as William Shatner speaks.
“A few blogs have appeared attempting to discredit … my … involvement with Whare Ra. … When it comes down to it, these comments are usually written by those who do not have any real connection to the Golden Dawn and have lineage envy.”
The full quote is this:
“A few blogs have appeared attempting to discredit Pat Zalewski, and to a lesser extent my own involvement with Whare Ra. You might find long-winded blogs out there penned by people who have never even visited New Zealand, let alone talked to Whare Ra people. They all insist that Pat, Christine, or Tony, or myself had nothing to do with Whare Ra and attempt to prove it.
One of the weird things I have noticed about the Internet is that you find a lot of Black is white comments, which deny things which I actually saw and took part in. When it comes down to it, these comments are usually written by those who do not have any real connection to the Golden Dawn and have lineage envy.”
This is a completely different statement and rubbishes those who claim Golden Dawn lineage. We asked Farrell to confirm what his quote meant and he sent us the following:
“There is no way anyone has any lineage to the Golden Dawn or the AO. Some have lineage to Whare Ra, but the person you mentioned does not. While I find it flattering that he needs an endorsement from me, but on this point we will only agree when hell freezes over.”
According to Farrell, the Golden Dawn had rules about how you had the authority to set up a temple. A person of 5=6 grade had to apply to the chiefs of the Golden Dawn for a warrant. Since there have been no living chiefs of the Order since the 1960s there is no one who you could have applied to form a temple. In any event, the AO merged into the SM after WW2 so lineage wise would be a dead end.
Most of the people around who have any “lineage” are those who have been through the Whare Ra system. It had a different set of rules to the GD which made a lineage possible. But this lineage was not to the Golden Dawn, but to the Rosicrucian movement in Europe which was based around Steiner. Felkin went out of his way to make sure that he had a different lineage from the Golden Dawn, Farrell said.
“The net result is that no one has lineage to the original Golden Dawn and anyone who says they does is a liar. So far any discussion focused on lineage has always shown people be making up facts and having dodgy paperwork. If David Griffin has a piece of paper signed by the last AO chief, who was Dr Carnegie-Dickson, giving him (personally) permission to form an AO order then that is the only way I will accept he has lineage.”
Given that Dr Carnegie-Dickson could have given Griffin permission after he was a 5=6 and he did not get that until the 1990s long after the good Doctor was long in his vault, it is impossible.
Farrell said his quote is about people claiming he had nothing to do with Whare Ra, and are pissed off that when it comes to real Golden Dawn connections, they have nothing. Lineage chasing is one of the most pointless exercises in the modern Golden Dawn and such obsessions are one of the reasons he left.
“I have been incredibly consistent about my belief that lineage is meaningless. I have said as much in both editions of Gathering the Magic, King over the Water, Mather’s Last Secret, Commentaries on the Golden Dawn Flying Rolls, Beyond the Sun and What My Hierophant Should have Taught Me… If a group is doing the work then they will make their own contacts, and you will judge them by the standard of training.”
“If people claim lineage is important, and none of them has it, then they are really telling the word “what we are doing is pointless.” If they say here are the adepts we created, here is our teaching, then that should be strong enough to give all the status a real magic order needs.”
Not being in the Golden Dawn we think the issue of lineage does not make you a great group,. The organisation that has the longest lineage in history is the Roman Catholic Church. It is questionable if that is something that is worthwhile unless you are an Irish paedophile who needs protection. .
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