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A:.A:. boss Revolting Rovelli unleashes his inner tosser

THE HEAD of the Gnostic Church of L.V.X  Paul Joseph Rovelli has revealed to the world what all that training in his glorious group brings you by slamming the gravely ill writer Donald Kraig.


Revolting Rovelli what getting to the top of the A:.A:. makes you

Today on Facebook, someone made the unfortunate move of daring to post a notice asking for support for Kraig who is battling pancreatic cancer. Now it is a serious illness and it is touch and go if Kraig will make it.

Revolting Rovelli’s response was that Kraig was a fraud who knew how to” knows how to re-process old information and make it clear for new audiences, but never practised 99.9% of what he spoke about.”

“In terms of creativity, he’s a parasite and never produced any original work and never contributed to the Gnosis,” he wrote.

OK it is bad enough that you say these things while someone is down, but then Rovelli in his supreme wisdom declared that Kraig’s death was imminent. He dismissed all the people conducting healing rituals for Kraig and ranted about how Kraig’s family ask for money to assist in his medical bills.   Well we all know magic is a bunk don’t we Rovelli?

Leilah Publications describes itself as “Social publishing for the 21st century and “brings a global vision of art & writing for the 21st century, producing & investing in cutting edge, Avante-garde artists, writers, musicians…” well until they get sick of course and then the publishing house calls for their death.” added into support and said that there were people out their suffering in dire need of assistance with acquiring medication or medical treatment but it is apparently part of nature to die when it is your time and not ask anyone for help.

Feeling much better that someone else shared his backward views on the meaning of life, Rovelli said he spend cash on medical insurance and life insurance to pay my end of life bills so everyone should be able to afford it.

“Why didn’t DMK do this for his family? Again, how is it that he is a hero? And what gall for this guy to post this request for alms for the dead in the middle of our campaign for the living!”  Last we checked Kraig was still alive.

In the light of this, and the fact that we have not had the high-level training that Paul Joseph Rovelli claims to have had, or crossed the abyss, we really hope that Rovelli gets cancer and dies painfully watching his insurance money disappear before his eyes knowing his family will suffer.

We also hope that before he dies, he realises what an arrogant, backward pitiful excuse he is for a human. We sincerely hope that other members of the Gnostic Church of L.V.X  wake up to the fact what an evil fucker their boss really is, and how, if he talks like that about his fellow humans, he cannot have any sense of self-development. We do not believe that anyone will be to be an evil fucker to critically sick people.

We also recommend you throw your magical and financial support behind Don Kraig, because a world with Kraig in it, is infinitely better off than one where Revolting Rovelli is breathing.  After all, he has given us a splendid example of a chief whose ego is out of control and lacks even the most basic in human compassion.

Needless to say, Revolting Rovelli is losing a few Facebook friends over this.  He even managed to upset Sandra Cicero, who has never had an unkind word to say about anyone – even David Griffin.

Still, this five-star occult leader has been in trouble before, so anyone who supports him is fucking stupid.


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