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Using Force Luke: David Griffin’s anonymous attack blogger revealed


Luke Bubeck (AKA) Fr ATLV

Griffin initiate

While its comedy leader  David Griffin has been sensibly silent, it has fallen on a mysterious anonymous attack site run by someone calling himself Fr ATLV to carry out the dirty work of his Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega.

Running in an identical format to Griffin’s own blog it features many of the graphics and attacks which has been the trademark of the  Golden Dawn leader.

Recently ATLV has taken to amusing exposés of people such as Aaron Leitch claiming that he is “shock horror” a member of Chic Cicero’s Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.  Since this is something which is on his website, and published in many of Leitch’s books,

it is not exactly the “smoking gun” which he claims.   He has also said that Leitch supports anonymous attack blogs like Watchers of the Dawn on his website, although this is what we call in the trade a lie as Leitch assures us he has not even mentioned us.

ATLV has also claimed that he is not a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega business.  He is just a concerned citizen who mindlessly follows the lines of that group and attacks who it does not like.

However, Watchers of the Dawn can reveal that ATLV is Luke Bubeck, of Huston, Texas and he was initiated into Griffin’s AO on April 17, 2013.  Given that Griffin initiates people in the 0=0 and 1=10 grade on the same day it is a safe bet to say Bubeck is a 1=10.

Why he is so keen to disavow his links to Griffin in his blog is anyone’s guess. The fact in May he joined AMORC  puts him in an interesting situation as that order is currently suing Griffin for nicking its trademarks and is thinking about joining BOTA might be one reason.  After all even esoteric groups like AMORC do not appreciate a spy in their ranks, particularly if they think their monographs might end up as third order material in a business rival’s organization,

It is fairly clear that, despite all that “high level material” he is getting from David Griffin’s pile of photocopies from the European Osiris Order,  AMORC monographs are still vital to his spiritual development. Still he says he meditates every day, which is more than most.

Bubeck also joined BOTA in January 27, 2013 but clearly that did not do enough for him although apparently he is still going.

According to Twitter Bubeck was born in WI went to Grafton High School 2002, grew up in Grafton.   He then went to MIAD, MATC Madison. Moved to San Francisco,  came back to WI, then moved to Houston and  then got married,

So how do we know all this information?  Well David Griffin told us.  After only 14 or so showed up to his much-hyped GD conference in the desert, he published lots of snaps of those who did attend with their comments.  One of them was a photo of Fr ATLV which had been previously posted on Twitter.

This photo appears in his Twitter account and different places on the Internet.  He also appears on Meet up where Bubeck reveals all the details of his Griffin involvement which he denies on his anonymous attack blog.

Amusingly he claims he is a member of the Isis Temple of the Golden Dawn which he says was established in 1888.   This was the name of Edward Berridge’s A0 temple which was set up in London in 1905 and closed in the 1930s.  It just goes to show you that Americans will buy any made up history and proudly show it around where the informed can mock.






Luke Bubeck has replied

Care Watcher of the Dawn,

I would like to clarify a few things in the interest of the truth.

Firstly, the date of April 17th, 2013, that you give as my supposed “joining” of the A.O., is actually just the date that I joined that particular online Meetup Group. I have never denied that I have attended A.O. functions, including the recent Festival. However, your assumption that this is the date I supposedly joined the A.O. is completely false, and you should know better if you have any experience with Meetup. Your assumption about my grade & level of attainment is also quite far from accurate, and is nobody’s business but my own. However, I assure you it is not what you have guessed. I have already stated clearly on my blog that I did take an initiation at that Festival, this is not news. Along with 2 others, I was allowed to take an initiation and retain my independence. As Griffin clearly stated, EVERYONE was welcome. I can also assure you that more than 14 people attended. Being that I respect these other 2 people’s identities, I will not give names. Perhaps you need to worry about your own level of attainment & not mine.

Secondly, I assume you also came up with my alleged joining date for AMORC in the same fashion, that being the online Meetup group. That is simply not the case. I am a member of AMORC, but my true joining date is no one’s business besides mine and the Order’s.

Thirdly, while I do occasionally attend the non member events of BOTA, I am not a member and have to leave when the other non members and correspondence members do before they begin their Pronaos rituals.

Does a man not have the right be a Rosicrucian and member of AMORC, attend the occasional BOTA meeting, and practice Golden Dawn magic? Are they all not aspects of the Western Mystery Tradition? How, as an occultist, am I in the wrong for doing so?

As far as your comment about me being a spy, I can assure you that it is ridiculous. Those who know me in the Order know that I take any Oaths VERY seriously, and am certainly no threat to them. Anything entrusted to me by an order is certainly safe with me. I work with the groups that I am involved with for personal spiritual development, and as I am not a leader of an order, I certainly do not get into the courtroom battles. I am in this for my own attainment. Your claims about the possibility of me giving out oathbound material are downright insulting and libelous, especially since you do not even know me. For how upset you are about Leitch being wrongly persecuted, you sure don’t mind doing the same thing to me.

Lastly, speaking of Frater Leitch, I wrote an update for my post (before you wrote this one) in which I offered my sincere apologies for including him in the group I was criticizing, and took down all screenshots & links. You may want to read it before continuing your assumptions. I made a mistake, and lumped him in with a group who IS doing these things that I criticize in my post. I have apologized, edited the post, and admitted my error. Fr. Leitch’s posts are very positive and helpful to the community, & I have no problem admitting this, in fact, I would love to see more of this from respected leaders & authors in the GD community. I am only human, and do make mistakes, & have no problem admitting that.

As far as myself, I was a solitary in the Golden Dawn Tradition for several years before finding AMORC, or even knowing about the big name orders of the Golden Dawn. I may sympathize with the A.O., as they have helped me quite a bit along my Path, and yes, I do have friends in the order. I currently work in an independent Temple that does not advertise. I never really attempted to hide anything, considering I have used 3 different profile pics on my blog that appear elsewhere on the web. You have not “caught” me in anything. I was completely aware of my own use of my picture and name in several places on the internet.

As with most occultists, I prefer to keep my mundane life separate from my spiritual life when it comes to the internet. This is due to family, certain friends, and other reasons that you should be aware of as an occultist. If you are so informed & objective, how could you have made such assumptions based on the dates of Meetup accounts?

In my update I have admitted my mistake, and have since only published positive posts. Most of my posts are positive, and future posts will continue to be. The sentiment of my update is that we all need to follow the message on the HOGD Inc. website and get over past grudges, move on from these flame wars, anonymous libel (which is being published on the blogs in question and other fora), and all forms of personal attacks on individuals and even entire orders, as has been done recently. I would hope we can all do our level best to do so, no one excluded, & act in a more fraternal matter with each other in the future as brothers & sisters of the same wider esoteric & GD community.

Sincerely and Fraternally, in L.V.X.,

Frater A.T.L.V.




Thank you for confirming your name.  So welcome to not being any anonymous attack blog for David Griffin.  We were not sure if you were a sock puppet for a while there.

Firstly, the date of April 17th, 2013, that you give as my supposed “joining” of the A.O., is actually just the date that I joined that particular online Meetup Group. I have never denied that I have attended A.O. functions, including the recent Festival.

You are admitting that what we said was completely true and that you were initiated at the recent “shin dig” in the desert.  Fair enough but all those statements about you not being a member of David Griffin’s order are lies.  So why did you feel the need to lie? 

Along with 2 others, I was allowed to take an initiation and retain my independence.

As independent as anyone who says they are a member of a Magic Order and has sworn total loyalty to David Griffin?  Did he not explain what that clause of the oath meant?  Independence is one of the things you would have lost.

As Griffin clearly stated, EVERYONE was welcome. I can also assure you that more than 14 people attended.

The photographs say otherwise.  But can you give us the numbers of people who were actually there as an independent witness? 

Secondly, I assume you also came up with my alleged joining date for AMORC in the same fashion, that being the online Meetup group. That is simply not the case. I am a member of AMORC, but my true joining date is no one’s business besides mine and the Order’s.

We are relying on you to be truthful, but given your previous record that might be our bad.  However the comment below by the person in Amorc did suggest that you were about to join which would tally with your admission date that you gave.  Did you tell Amorc that you were a member of an Order that it was currently suing? 

Thirdly, while I do occasionally attend the non member events of BOTA, I am not a member and have to leave when the other non members and correspondence members do before they begin their Pronaos rituals.

We just wondered why you need to be a member of BOTA when you are getting shit hot stuff from the David Griffin. 

Does a man not have the right be a Rosicrucian and member of AMORC, attend the occasional BOTA meeting, and practice Golden Dawn magic? Are they all not aspects of the Western Mystery Tradition? How, as an occultist, am I in the wrong for doing so?

Because the order is supposed to give you everything you need.  If it doesn’t there is something wrong.  You are effectively saying that David Griffin does not know what he doing and you need information from elsewhere.   If David Griffin says we make magicians then how is it a good thing for you to go elsewhere… what are they going to make you into?

As far as your comment about me being a spy, I can assure you that it is ridiculous. Those who know me in the Order know that I take any Oaths VERY seriously, and am certainly no threat to them.

Yes you made an oath to David Griffin as the Chief Adept of your Order – you can’t serve two masters.

Anything entrusted to me by an order is certainly safe with me. I work with the groups that I am involved with for personal spiritual development, and as I am not a leader of an order, I certainly do not get into the courtroom battles.

Until you are subpoenaed

I am in this for my own attainment. Your claims about the possibility of me giving out oathbound material are downright insulting and libelous, especially since you do not even know me.

Actually as far as AMORC is concerned, all you would need to be doing is gathering paperwork to further David Griffin’s court case.  You would not need to be handing out monographs.

For how upset you are about Leitch being wrongly persecuted, you sure don’t mind doing the same thing to me.

Actually you inspired us.  Your blog claims it wants peace between orders and yet it prints libellous and untrue things about Nick Farrell and Aaron Leitch.  It calls us an anonymous attack blog, and yet we are actually telling you the truth.  Take that sort of shit down and we will ignore you.

Lastly, speaking of Frater Leitch, I wrote an update for my post (before you wrote this one) in which I offered my sincere apologies for including him in the group I was criticizing, and took down all screenshots & links.

Good for you.

You may want to read it before continuing your assumptions. I made a mistake, and lumped him in with a group who IS doing these things that I criticize in my post.

So are you also going to take down the untrue attack against Nick Farrell or is he fair game too?  As far as we are concerned all attacks on people need to be stopped. Including those which were penned by David Griffin.

I may sympathize with the A.O., as they have helped me quite a bit along my Path, and yes, I do have friends in the order. I currently work in an independent Temple that does not advertise. I never really attempted to hide anything, considering I have used 3 different profile pics on my blog that appear elsewhere on the web. You have not “caught” me in anything. I was completely aware of my own use of my picture and name in several places on the internet.

You were complaining about anonymous attack blogs anonymously while pretending you did not have a vested interest with David Griffins order.  You use the same format and “talking points” as David Griffin.  You also attack his enemies and people who have not attacked you.   We are prepared to accept that you didn’t know what you were doing, but really you have to knock this on the head.

In my update I have admitted my mistake, and have since only published positive posts. Most of my posts are positive, and future posts will continue to be.

Good now pull all the negative posts and never do it again. There’s a good chap.

The sentiment of my update is that we all need to follow the message on the HOGD Inc. website and get over past grudges, move on from these flame wars, anonymous libel (which is being published on the blogs in question and other fora), and all forms of personal attacks on individuals and even entire orders, as has been done recently.

The GD community has heard that from David Griffin before, just before he waded in on an attack which ended up with the SRIA fiasco.   However we agree with your completely on that point… actually we are entirely neutral on this.  We just sit on bad behaviour.  If there is none we have nothing to write about.  Only one of number is even in the GD tradition and we mock him often. But the point is that you are not going stop personal attacks by picking a side and wading in. 


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