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Stacewicz’s historical brains are scrambled by challenge


No problems of ego here. Stacewicz’s Facebook picture is Mathers’ picture with his face stuck on it.

David Griffin’s number two has been caught spinning fake facts to his Facebook listeners.

Tomas Stacewicz, who is the Imperator of David Griffin’s Swedish Temple, was caught out trying to re-invent history in accordance with his leader’s latest crackpot theory.

For those who came in late, Stacewicz writes long, rambling cut-and-paste histories which are supposed to prove that Griffin is right, black really is white, and Griffin’s Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega, sole trader business really is the original A.O. order. Griffin calls Stacewicz’s pieces “scholarly” to make them even more critical.

Unfortunately for historians and Griffin, Stacewicz’s use of sources would get him kicked out of a fourth-form history class, and he does not seem to show any of the skills we expect from Swedish academia.

Wading into the secret chiefs debate, Stacewicz questioned a statement by Nick Farrell that Secret Chiefs were always male.

In his blog, Farrell said:” The only recorded meetings with secret chiefs in the flesh are universally with males. It appears that females do not qualify. There is no racial bar; they are allowed to be Indians, Native Americans, Chinese, Arabs, Jews, Etruscans, and Egyptians. There have been few recorded secret chiefs who were of African descent. If you were hoping your secret chief could be a black woman, you could be out of luck.”

Stacewicz said this was “rubbish” and says much about that particular “G.D. leader’s ignorance in these matters”.

He said that Secret Chiefs were all alchemists and did not make any distinction between women and men.

Then he said that” priestessess [sic] was a very important if not central to these mysteries”. We guess they made the alchemists tea, as they do not seem to have shown up in important meetings with other occultists.

Stacewicz had not proved anything. a fact that the Spanish BOTA member Riccardo Cobb picked upon. Cobb appears very interested in Secret Chiefs as he tries to establish the history of BOTA, which depends on them for its lineage.

Cobb asked Stacewicz what historical examples there had been of women secret chiefs. After all, there are loads of myths about them. Indeed, if they were common, then why have no tales involving women shown up?

Sensing that his leader was in trouble, another Griffinite, Victor Guillen, said Stacewicz would not name any names because they were all secret.

In other words, Stacewicz, with all his genius in history, could name a  female secret chief, but they were all secret, so he did not have to prove it.

Cobb said he was not interested in knowing who the secret chiefs of Griffin’s order were; he just wanted to know what historical examples of female secret chiefs were.

Stacewicz then popped up and said, “I know several names, but as Victor said, that is not disclosed information anymore and for good reasons.”

He told Cobb to read his long and rambling post about the Third Order, the Secret Chiefs, and the Golden Yawn. While it would not answer Cobb’s question, it would give him something to do and not question Stacewicz’s historical pronouncements again.

In summary, Stacewicz says Farrell is ignorant and not telling the truth about secret chiefs. He can’t prove it, but people have to believe him because he says so. After all, he is just the person people should trust uncritically.


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