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Nick Farrell quits the Golden Dawn

Long-time champion of the Golden Dawn, Nick Farrell has finally admitted that the system is broken and can’t be fixed.

In a surprise announcement, Farrell announced that his Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea can no longer be considered a traditional Golden Dawn group, although it will continue to use rituals and teachings.

In a Facebook interview with Watchers of the Dawn, Farrell said that the Golden Dawn egregore was blighted with all sorts of “astral parasites” and had been doing its best to kill itself.

“If you are in a group which claims that it is Golden Dawn, you open yourself to all the problems suffered by the original order,” Farrell said.

He thinks that the original Golden Dawn egregore was a quasi-masonic order that admitted women and it had problems adapting to the magical techniques which were bought in by Mathers.

“Having your order head being an ego-crazed loon also harms the egregore, as does having an order that rises against its leadership or encourages political knifings…  The Golden Dawn had all these problems and will encourage them to happen again and again,” Farrell added.

Now if you say “I am Golden Dawn” you open yourself to all those anti-magical, megalomaniacal problems.  But if you try to do something new then the egregore will fall on you like a free-falling elephant, he said.

“The Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea, particularly in is second order is more experimental, so we have been getting in the neck from that egregore and its antics are distracting,” he said.

Farrell was dismissive of those who claimed that they needed a connection to the Golden Dawn because of the mystical power of a tradition.

“When you look at the Golden Dawn history, those groups that have been the most successful have been those who have done their best to distance themselves from its egregore. Felkin was a case in point.  He wired his Whare Ra Order to the Rosicrucian current in Europe and bypassed the toxic Golden Dawn order completely.”

This gave Felkin the ability to do what he liked and not be bound by rules set by the old egregore, he said.

“This is what we have done with the Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea… we have our own link to the past currents of the Golden Dawn which does not feature the Order itself.  We use its rituals, and all its teachings, but we have our own vision about how these should play out.”

The last straw was the universal adoption in the mass media of the name “Golden Dawn” by the Greek Fascist movement.

“Association with a hate group on an international scale does more damage to the Golden Dawn than the Horos Scandal… Who wants your magic order sitting on Google ranking next to neo-nazis?”

Already the confusion between the name Golden Dawn and the Greek Nazis has happened.  One mentally ill person listed all the occult Golden Dawn members as being organisers of the Far Right in Europe and the US, he said.

“That cannot help but destroy any good that the Golden Dawn can be associated with.  It is reaching a point where running a “golden dawn” group is like swimming in a public pool full of floating turds…. You end up trying to avoid them all the time rather than getting on with the business of swimming.”

The advantages of saying “I am a member of a Golden Dawn group” of people knowing where you are coming from are now eclipsed by those who think you are “neo-nazi” or connected with the Golden Dawn in-fighting or other stuff.

Anyway, a group should not need to “look to the past for any particular knowledge or security, but to its future”.

Farrell said it was better to pour new wine into new skins and be more secure in the Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea’s independence and ability to move in its own direction.

“We have basically grown up, and don’t need that name anymore, ” he concluded.


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