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Golden Dawn’s David Griffin caught lying again

One of our favourite sources for news is the Sole Proprietor of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega business. David Griffin has a huge problem that has sent him spinning like a top.

We have reported how his secret chiefs have abandoned his business in a row about money and how he lied about it by claiming his former best friend was “joking”.   Now it appears that his Secret Chiefs have contacted his enemy, Nick Farrell.

Grand Mudslinger of the Order of the Porkie Pie.

David Griffin 10=1 and friend.

For a month Farrell issued a Secret Chiefs challenge where he said that if physical secret chiefs existed they should get in touch with him and prove it. He then proceeded to fill his blog with articles about the different types of “secret chiefs” in the Western Mystery tradition and how they were not physical supermen.

The conclusion of where this was heading was obvious. No physical secret chief would show up and Farrell would declare that they didn’t exist. But it appears that Farrell was sitting on a piece of news that Griffin, did not expect.

Namely that a member of the same cabal which claimed to be Griffin’s secret chiefs met with him at a Rome coffee shop and offered to place his Magical Order of the Auroa Aurea under them in return for higher grade material. What was doubly embarrassing to Griffin was Farrell said “no” because he did not believe he was dealing with a real secret chief.

“Secret Chiefs are supposed to be spiritual supermen. They are supposed to have transcended occult orders. Yet this focus on politics, esoteric orders, money etc was entirely mundane and therefore suspect,” Farrell wrote in his blog.

In another slight to Griffin, Farrell noted that this particular secret chief did not seem to want to know about his occult ability or knowledge as it was clear they would take anyone with enough money.

“... he had selected me for his grand plan, but it did not really matter what I could do… I could have been a complete loon and I would have been in, provided that MOAA provided his groups with cash and members,” Farrell wrote.

Farrell’s description of the man he met had a atrikingly similar pedigree to Griffin’s secret chiefs — there were mentions of the Osiris Order, the Grand Orient, Scottish Rite freemasonry, the Italian strain of Misraim and Myriam, sex magic and Alchemy, all “authorities” which have slipped into Griffin’s blogs over the years.

Alex Sumner pointed out in his blog that the Ordine Osirideo Egiziano (Order of Osiris the Egyptian) is the outer order of the Confraternita Terapeutica e Magica di Myriam (The Magical and Therapeutic Brotherhood of Myriam). The Order is for the wealthy and runs a like the movie Eyes Wide Shut. Its adepts talk a lot about sex magic and alchemy.

We emailed Farrell and asked if he met Griffin’s own secret chief and he said that he doubted it.

“I am fairly sure I know who Griffin’s secret chief was and it was never this guy. However I think they were related. This lot appear to be all associated by groups and the same ideas. I was emailed by one person who is connected to the same scene and told that the guy I spoke too was the boss of them all. I hope for their sake he wasn’t.”

Griffin’s answer to this particular problem was to lie about it . He wrote in his blog that Nick Farrell met Master R.  Master R, or Master Racoczi, was supposed to be the Secret Chief who contacted the founder of Builders of the Adytum, Paul Foster Case.   He then used that to rubbish Farrell’s claims saying that Racoczi was a Transylvanian and not a Corsican so that solves everything!

Like most Griffin lies, he was clearly hoping that his followers did not read Farrell’s post and relied on his interpretation of it.

Farrell never mentioned Master Racoczi and clearly said that the person he met was human. Farrell has refused to say who it was that he met, telling us that “it was a condition of the meeting.” Also, unlike Griffin claimed, Farrell took nothing from this “secret chief” and certainly did not do what Griffin did and hand over the keys to his Order.

“The conversation was open, and interesting, but after a while he realised that I was not going to follow his views. Nor was I going to buy that he was a Secret Chief in anyway. An interesting man, an adept of something, but not anything like the physical secret chief’s which we had been writing about, if they ever existed,” he wrote.

So where did Griffin get his claim that Farrell deserved to be rubbished because he said he met the famous Comte St Germaine? The fact is that he MADE IT UP. In other words, you can counter the truth with a lie, build the lie into a fantastic event which only happened in your own mind and then rubbish it. Problem sorted.

Instead, Griffin has, once again, revealed that he has some real problems telling the truth and will lie and spin to cover his embarrassment at being caught out. One has to wonder why anyone would believe anything that comes from Griffin’s lips. Yet he still expects his followers and the esoteric world to trust him.

Griffin is right, trust is very important in occult leaders. Mainly as he is asking us to trust teachings, which he claims he got from Secret chiefs and no one has ever seen, are of a quality which makes his group superior to everyone else’s. At this rate he should rename his AO as the “Order of the Porkie Pie.”


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