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Golden Dawner expelled for following doctor’s advice

A Golden Dawn member was expelled because his fellow chiefs believed he should not have been following his chiefs and not his doctor’s advice.

In a blog post, which was cross posted on Facebook, Níall MacSiúrtáin recounted his expulsion from the Ancient and Honourable Order of the Golden Dawn.

MacSiúrtáin has epilepsy and he had taken medication which gave him weight gain, concentration problems, and extreme reaction to Sun.  The Irish sun would leave him with bad sunburn.

Since he had not had a major seizure since 2007 MacSiúrtáin’s doctor decided to take him off his meds. That did not sit well with his chiefs, Dean Wilson and Gerald Dempsey, who mentioned it as a reason for his expulsion to members.

A letter written by Dempsey, which was leaked to MacSiúrtáin by people within the Ancient and Honourable Order of the Golden Dawn, effectively claimed that MacSiúrtáin had a psychological disorder which made him risk his health by going off his meds.

“I belief it is wiser for him to abandon all occult pursuits until he addresses this decision to abandon his meditation.”

Dempsey emphasized his right to say all this by saying he was a trained counsellor.  However Dempsey is not a psychiatrist and is not qualified to give medical advice.

After MacSiúrtáin posted the leaked letter, we got in touch with him and he told us that Dempsey and Wilson knew his doctor was involved in his decision.  He has carried on his magical path and not had any fits since.

But looking at the letter it is clear there is much more to MacSiúrtáin’s expulsion.

Dempsey, Wilson and MacSiúrtáin formed the Dublin temple under Nick Farrell’s Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea.  Farrell refuses to allow people below the 5=6 grade form a full temple and the highest grade they had  was  4=7.  In the meantime they had to travel to Rome to get their initiations, but were forbidden to initiate.

Dempsey was the Imperator, Wilson was the Premonstrator and MacSiúrtáin was the Cancellerious. Dempsey and Wilson quit MOAA  and the future of their small group was in doubt.  MacSiúrtáin was not keen on transferring to a new order under Wilson and at the time all the material and funds were under his control.

“He spent more time getting the advice of Nick Farrell than he did listening to his fellow co-chiefs.  In fact he originally said he was staying with MOAA, and only changed his mind after much discussion and arguing with [Wilson] and I,” Dempsey wrote.

In Dempsey’s letter he said that waiting period “baffled us” after all why wouldn’t anyone want to toss their GD oath into the rubbish bin, give up access to an experienced teacher and follow the 4=7 Wilson who is still in his early 20s?

After some weeks, MacSiúrtáin agreed to join what was going to become the Ancient and Honourable Order of the Golden Dawn and so that problem was effectively removed.

“Dean convinced me that life with a temple was better than having to go to Rome for initiations.  He was going to promote himself to 5=6 so that he could initiate people.”

The temple’s assets were effectively transferred over and the group could begin operation under Wilson.

Once the transfer had taken place it was clear that MacSiúrtáin was surplus to requirements and it was time to be knifed.  Wilson and Dempsey claimed that MacSiúrtáin was inability to do Cancellarious and insisted he quit and hand over any MOAA assets.

The letter expelling MacSiúrtáin said they gave him time to “resign to save face”.  When he failed to do so, they expelled him.

Dempsey’s letter to members looks like an old-fashioned backstab which was supposed to stop any members following MacSiúrtáin  and take away the members he had bought into the group.

The points it listed were simply a list of gripes that Wilson and Dempsey had been holding against MacSiúrtáin for some time and many had been resolved.   The idea appears to have been to fling enough shit in a particular way and hope that enough stuck to prevent an exodus.

The letter was supposed to show that MacSiúrtáin was too unstable to be a member of their order and they should not trust him to lead them anywhere.

The fact that MacSiúrtáin had several copies of Dempsey’s secret  email sent to him from members of the group which indicates that not everyone appreciated Dempsey and Wilson’s methods. In Neo-pagan circles MacSiúrtáin is widely liked.

In his blog MacSiúrtáin has done a good job of answering all 11 allegations set against him, even if none of it was current or put to him as a reason for being expelled.

It looks like the Ancient and Honourable Order of the Golden Dawn is not Ancient or particularly Honourable and is just another young and ‘orrible GD group..

The reason why MacSiúrtáin was told he was expelled.


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