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E A Koetting implicated in double murder

E A [living god] Koetting

Comedy black magician E A [living god] Koetting and fired carpet cleaner has been implicated in the murder of two sisters in a Wembly park in London.

Danyal Hussein, who carried out the murders, was a member of a web forum run by an E A Koetting, who gave him instructions about demonic pacts that mirrored steps taken by the killer.

E A Koetting was the creator of an online forum, Becoming A Living God, whose active members included Hussein, 19, who killed sisters Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry after making a pact with a demon that he would sacrifice a minimum of six women in six months.

At Hussein’s trial earlier this year, it was revealed he made a pact agreeing to kill the sisters in exchange for power and wealth.

Parts of the pledge appeared to come from Koetting’s work, but he was able to continue promoting his work, including books, to more than 200,000 followers on Facebook and YouTube.

Following an investigation by the PA news agency and the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right (C4ARR), Facebook said it had removed Koetting’s page and Instagram account for violating its dangerous individuals and organisation’s policies.

C4ARR director Professor Matthew Feldman, said some of Koetting’s work could amount to incitement to murder.

Professor Feldman said: “He has 87,000 YouTube subscribers and 128,000 on Facebook. If 0.1% of people take that seriously, as Danyal Hussein did, and think this is what I must do to become famous, that’s 200 potential murderers,” he added.

Hussein made out his blood pact to a demon named King Lucifuge Rofocale. Professor Feldman said Koetting had written about blood sacrifices to become rich and powerful, citing the same demon mentioned by Hussein.

Professor Feldman explained that Koetting’s books include descriptions of how to murder someone for ritual sacrifices as well as quoting child murderer Ian Brady.

Danyal Hussein signed an agreement with ‘King Lucifuge Rofocale’ to ‘sacrifice only women’ to win a lottery japckpot (sic)

He says: “When you destroy the victim, there is a release, a massive explosion of power and energy. If you can harness that and push it towards a goal, it’s powerful beyond most other forms of magic. It’s the blackest magic, without a doubt.”

He later adds a caveat, attempting to absolve himself by saying he does not advocate harming anyone to cover himself legally.


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