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David Griffin loses key ally to schism

Comedy Golden Dawn Supreme Pooh-Bah David Griffin has suffered yet another major set-back after one of his key members has deserted him and taken his temple with him.

“G ∴ M + R has, however, initiated a process that is towards ever greater autonomy, until finally at the winter solstice in 2013, separates itself completely from HOGD / A + O and appoints his former Nordic jurisdictions as completely independent and autonomous, and himself as a totally unique words resident of Hyperborea,” Google translate tells us.

Tomas Stacewicz’s key job in Griffin’s Rosicrucian Order of the AO was to spin long false histories  to bolster his dear Leader’s claim to supremacy over any one else in that long winded tradition.

Griffin lost his connection to Jean Pascal Ruggiu‘s secret chiefs  for the crime of not giving his secret chief enough money. Griffin had fallen out with Ruggiu which meant that he no longer had access to the alchemical material he hoped to repackage as third order teachings. Stacewicz seems to sense that Griffin had nothing more to offer and has slung his hook.

We have run some of his various blogs through Google translate and it appears that Stacewicz was opposed to the dumbing down of the Golden Dawn teachings with new age lingo and hard sell.

According to his blog, he has schismed his Swedish Temple to form a new order with the title Hermetiska Orden av Den Gryende Morgonrodnaden which we are assured is impossible to say when you are pissed, although we found it tricky when we were sober.

Nevertheless it appears, judging by the history Stacewicz has provided on his webpage he is claiming lineage from David Griffin himself. This lineage depends on a character called Desmond Burke who pretended he was a 7=4 in the AO so that he could dress up with his mates in a pretend temple. In a letter he admitted that he had no right to give lineage to anyone (see letter below).

So what must be particularly galling to Griffin is that Stacewicz has not chucked him because he is full of bullshit, he has gotten rid of him because he thinks he can do it better. Either that, or Stacewicz is truly dumb enough to still believe David’s lineage spin. Stacewicz has written long blogs about the importance of lineage so we guess he still needs something.

He appears to have done his best to craft his new order within the Griffin/Ruggiu myth about a 111 year cycle of reformation which happens to coincide with whatever date with their forming of the AO in 1999.

“Interesting to mention in this context is that the Rosicrucian tradition dictates a general reformation cycle of 111 years, which is broken down into smaller reformations about a decade. This seems to correspond quite well with Sun’s heartbeat on 11 years. In fact, the words of its Swedish packaging, which now calls itself the Hermetiska Orden av Den Gryende Morgonrodnaden , have recently implemented such a minor decenniel reformation. Turn of the year 2013-14 represents a time when our solar heart beats its kind again and Aurora borealis reveals himself again as the strongest, a Nordic Dawning Aurora – Aurora Nascente in Hyperborea!” says Google translate.

While Stacewicz’s temple is small, the loss of a loyal follower must be a blow to Griffin who is now left with his wife and pro-bono property lawyer Jorge Helvia who is no doubt readying some nicotine stained, smoke soaked, documents to impress the Judge in the case which is overseeing a trademark claim against his order by the deep pocketed and legally well-resourced AMORC.

One of AMORCs arguments against Griffin is that he does not have a presence in Europe so should not be allowed the trademark in that country. If that is the case then Stacewicz’s defection could spell the end of Griffin in the EU, unless his Paris temple (which he appears to have named in the same way that Ryan Air has named Luton Airport “London Airport”) and more than one member.


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