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David Cameron starts his own inquisition against magic

If UK Prime Minister David Cameron gets his way, esoteric sites such as this one will be banned in the UK.

In a move not seen since the repeal of the Witchcraft Act, Cameron wants his “porn filter” tuned to delete “esoteric interests.”

The discovery that occultism was on the list of filtered content was found using a freedom of information request.  It is not as if David was prepared to tell people who did not look first.

It is not clear what Cameron has against the occult. Maybe the thought of people dancing naked in the New Forrest brings him out in a cold sweat.   But occultists, witches and druids can be reassured that their religion, beliefs and philosophies will be purged from the British web to “protect children”.

The man who cares about his child enough to leave her in a pub because they forgot he bought her is presuming to lecture others.

While it will be possible for occult groups to have websites and for these to be found by those looking, under Cameron’s law they will be blocked by default.

If you want access to those sites, you will have to confess to your partner and your ISP that you want to go to porn sites, which Cameron is banking that many people will not want to do.

Also on the list is information about proxy sites, which will enable you to find occult sites.  It is probably a good idea to search for them now and have a list when the filter falls.

What is annoying for many occultists is that this filter will not even manage its primary aim, which is to stop kids and paedophiles from watching porn.  Kids of today and paedophiles already know how to bypass filters, even if Cameron doesn’t.

There is a petition being started against the filter.


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