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Showing posts from October, 2023

Chicosky obsessed with Leitch

Rising numpty and purveyor of magical devices made when planets are retrograde, Alison Chicosky has become so obsessed with Solomonic writer Aaron Leitch that she has taken to cosplaying him in her spare time. Chicosky released pictures of herself (shown) dressed as Leitch during his 1990s period. Not satisfied she had attained the “full Leitch”, she released the images to her followers, who seemed slightly confused. One thought the picture was her coming out as trans. While there would be nothing wrong with that, we don’t believe that is what Chicosky had in mind. The usual followers cheered with the same enthusiasm that Stalin’s followers applauded him. Will Moor trotted out his usual ugly, hateful memes, happy that it was politically wise that people would reassure his flaccid ego by saying they were funny? One of Chicosky’s followers, BJ Swain, claimed that “Soon the internet will be echoing with the rage-filled rants about the horrible abuses visited by Talison Chachingsk