A war has broken out between what was seen as one of the magical dream couples of the 1990s, Bob Stewart (pictured) and Josephine McCarthy. The pair divorced in 2000, and much water should have passed under the bridge between them, but there is still a scrap over who created what in the magical system they had worked on during that period. A few years ago, Stewart moaned that some of McCarthy's websites were breaching his copyright because she had stolen his ideas. McCarthy, not wishing to have an expensive court battle, pulled the sites but told him to sling his hook. All seemed quiet for several years until McCarthy published a series of popular occult books which included elements of her earlier work. In May 2013, Stewart wrote: "Josephine Dunne (now Josephine McCarthy) joined me in teaching workshops in the late 1990s, as we were married then. She came as a beginner into an existing network with the difficult prospect of working with many established group members who had ...