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Showing posts from July, 2013

Griffin tells Pascal Rugiu he is a joke

The Sole Proprietor of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega business, David Griffin, had told his former number two that he must be joking when he claimed the business' secret chiefs had abandoned him. As we reported, Pascal posted on Facebook that he was the only link Griffin had for the Third Order, which was cut when he resigned. He said that he introduced Griffin to the secret chiefs in his home.   So, if members of the AO wanted underground leaders with their magic order, they needed to talk to him. That would not usually have indicated that the AO had lost its secret chiefs, as they might have continued to work independently with Griffin. But Ruggiu said that Griffin had angered the Secret Chiefs greatly. "They say he has betrayed them!" he wrote on Facebook. The Master told Ruggiu that Griffin did not help him but "just exploited him" and wrote a "very insulting letter to the council of Mas...

Golden Dawn Griffin attacks the wrong people (again)

Imperator of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Outer Order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega, David Griffin, this week wrote an exposé of a masonic plot to destroy his order. Griffin claimed that Nick Farrell and Mike Crowson were members of the Societas Rosicruciana (SRIA), and for 20 years, that masonic organisation has been doing its level best to attack his beloved order.  Griffin claimed here that the pair were secret agents acting on behalf of SRIA chief John Paternoster. However, it appears that Griffin’s research only extended to reading a blog written by a Christian who felt that it was Satanic for John Paternoster to have written in an occult magazine.  In other words, this same writer would have thought that Griffin himself was a Satanist. Farrell posted yesterday about his dislike of masonic orders and said that he had never been a member of SRIA, which would have been a requisite for being Paternoster’s right-hand man. Had Griffin researched Brit...