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Showing posts from May, 2012

David Griffin abandoned by his secret chiefs

After years of claiming that his reconstituted Golden Dawn/A.O. was the only one with physical secret chiefs in charge, David Griffin appears to have been abandoned by them. According to Griffin’s co-chief, Jean Pascal-Ruggiu introduced him to his secret chiefs and gave David the much-desired connection to the Golden Dawn third order, which Griffin craved. Griffin wanted Golden Dawn lineage for some time. He initially hoped to get a Regardie lineage from his first teacher, Chris Montastra. Still, when he realised that these were easy to get, he obtained a paper lineage from Robert Word, which was obtained from a U.K. masonic collector, Desmond Bourke. Bourke weakened Griffin’s claim by denying he had a right to give it out, and while defending his lineage against claims from Pat Zalewski that it was worthless, Griffin looked elsewhere. Pascal-Ruggiu was exceptionally well-connected with the continental magical scene and several alchemical groups based around the teachings of Fulcanelli